Facciocose promises that businesses who take part in their training will receive a clear ROI (Return Of Investment).
This is because Facciocose’s established corporate training programmes creates better communicators, more effective listeners, more confident public speakers and enhanced team players. In a fast-paced and ever changing business landscape, we believe that these skills are critical for success.
We are inspired by the arts but rooted in neurological studies with a strong emphasis on movement, body language and emotional intelligence. Your teams will benefit by gaining awareness of the way they use their body language, the way they interact, listen, respond and do business with clients.
Having a general sense of awareness of our bodies and realising the benefits of movement leads to an overall improved sense of well-being and self-care in the workplace. Talented employees are attracted to (and stay at) work environments that support their mental health by setting healthy boundaries at work.
Curious about our training?
Why don’t you read our blog’s articles about body language, emotional intelligence and sit-less work environment?